Singh Sabha International, Canada is dedicated and committed to the Vision of Prof. Gurmukh Singh ji and Giani Ditt Singh Ji. It was due to these warriors along with Bhai Kahan Singh Nabha that Singh Sabhas were formed all over India and Gurdwaras got their Sovereignty back. Today’s Shredded and distorted Sikhi remind us the times of Mahant Narainu.
By providing Authentic and well researched Sikhi Literature, we are striving to remove the distortions in Sikhi that has come into it through design of anti-Sikhi forces and due to lack of authentic Sikhi Literature.
Contents of SSI app:
1. Articles: Read and post articles on various Sikhi Concepts, Gurbani translation, Gurbani grammar and authenticity/fakery of literature other than Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Articels are available in English & Punjabi.
2. Gurbani Grammar: Lot of well researched articles are there to understand the importance, usage and intricacies of Gurbani Grammar.
3. Dasam Granth?: Read and watch Lots of research based Articles and Videos explaining why DASAM GRANTH is not a Gurbani rather it is a hotchpotch book containing texts from Hindu Mythology and other erotic texts.
4. Audios: Listen to Translations of Various Gurbanis done by Genuine & well-read Parcharks in Audio Section of the APP.
4. Videos: Lot of Videos discussing complicated issues and misconceptions related to Sikhi.
5. Khalsa Akhbar: SSI publishes Khalsa Akhbar from time to time having very rich content. All the issues of Khalsa Akhbar can be accessed through this APP.
6. Books: PDF version of various recommended books can also be downloaded or read through ‘Books’ section of this APP.
Send your articles, feedback and any other issue related to installation and running of this app at
Visit our website at
1.文章:各种Sikhi概念,Gurbani翻译,Gurbani语法和真实性/比至尊大师初经济其他文学造假阅读和发表文章。 Articels是英语和旁遮普语可用。
2. Gurbani语法:很好的研究文章的地段在那里了解Gurbani语法的重要性,使用和复杂性。
3. Dasam格兰斯?:阅读和观看大量的基础研究的文章和视频,解释为什么DASAM格兰斯不是Gurbani的,而它是一个包含从印度神话和其他色情文字文本一大杂烩书。